Monday, April 28, 2008

Children concerned about global warming

Children from across Jakarta attended an Earth Day festival held Saturday by Bina Nusantara (Binus) School in Simprug, South Jakarta.

James, a first grader at an elementary school, was one of many students involved in a series of competitions held on the Binus campus.

He sat among dozens of children designing pictures to promote awareness of environmentalism. On his paper was the blue-and-green sphere of planet Earth floating in space.

"The theme is 'Going Green', that's why I'm drawing our planet."

The one-day event featured six contests, including singing, drawing, dancing and music, involving more than 100 kindergartners and elementary school students.

The school's public relations chief, Adilah, said the school wanted to raise awareness of global warming, especially among younger generations.

"We are trying to stimulate awareness on this issue among young children, in the hope they will embrace green lifestyles and become involved in efforts to preserve the environment," she said.

Another drawing contestant, Gerdan, of Global Mandiri School in Cibubur, Bogor, said he had never heard of Earth Day, but knew ways to help save the Earth.

"Bottles. Recycling used bottles can save the earth."

Gerdan's teacher, Forina, who accompanied her students to the event, said her school taught a number of ways for students to live greener lives.

"They learn that recycling is important, but also easy. In our school, we invite our students to bring used plastic bottles from their homes each week to be recycled," she said.

Voracious human activities are thought by many to be the cause of rising temperatures, changing weather patterns and rises in sea-levels.

Last December in Bali, the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change outlined a roadmap for nations to overcome the problem.

In response to the meeting, many companies and residents have planted trees in their premises and neighborhoods, and two weeks ago, thousands attended a three-day convention called Green Festival held in the city, which provided information and tips for residents on how to conserve energy and promote a greener Jakarta. (dre)