Saturday, February 2, 2008

Winter '08 Could Use More Global Warming

Boy, if it weren’t for global warming, it’s frightening to imagine how cold this winter might be.

So, thank you, global warming, for taking the edge off and making each day just a little warmer. Because even though we’re setting all kinds of cold and snow records around the world, it could be a lot worse, right?

Come to think of it, February could use another holiday, not to mention warmer temperatures, so how about we create Global Warming Appreciation Day? It's our way of giving thanks for that extra warmth of a half degree celsius.

Seriously, you gotta admire, or feel sorry for, the dedication of the climate change crowd. They’ve been braving all kinds of cold, nasty weather this winter to get out the message that it’s actually warming. It's a remarkable ability to persevere in spite of the obvious. Speaking of which, have you seen today’s San Francisco Chronicle front page? It shows a global warming/water crisis piece right next to one about all the snow they’re getting in the Sierra Nevada Mountains. (Thanks to

And since California gets a lot of its fresh water from the winter snow pack, I was really confused about why there might be a water crisis. I guess it must take at least a PhD to understand how dangerous all this global warming stuff is.