Saturday, February 2, 2008

"Global Cooling" Identified as Part of Global Warming

image for "Global Cooling" Identified as Part of Global Warming
Charmangy's childhood home

Dr. E. L. Charmagny of the Indiana Institute for Science positively identified cooler temperatures as part of global warming.

"The recent cold snap in America's midwest area proves that global warming is real," said Dr. Charmagny while enjoying a hamburger sandwich at a local McDonald's restaurant. He explained, "People don't understand that global warming takes many forms, including global cooling, an important part of global warming."

He cited as an example that when he was young winters were "a lot harsher", remarking, "It was very cold for days on end, and there was lots of snow. That's a scientific fact, I remember it! Now it's clearly warmer."

"Young punks nowadays take time off from school if there's two inches of snow on the ground. They need to have those iPods taken away from them, that'll teach them something."

Dr. Charmagny went on to explain that the cool weather in the Midwest is the Earth's 'sympathetic' reaction to global warming. "It gets so warm, that when it gets cold, it gets really cold. It's like when it's quiet after a lot of noise, it seems especially quiet. Again, that's a scientific phenomenon you can read about in any school kid's science book. If these little brats even read their schoolbooks. Brats."

Dr. Charmagny explains his theories on global warming in his new book "The Unavoidable Disaster." He also tackles questions about the environment, space exploration, and "why kids today think they're so special, with their fluoridated water and their Myspace."